Used Barudan 8 Head Embroidery Machine

Used Machine

Used Barudan 8 Head Embroidery Machine

Brand: Barudan
Model: BEXY-Z1508C
Second Hand Barudan 8 head, 15 colour embroidery machine for sale by owner
Price: $40,000.00 + gst
Service History: regularly serviced
First Installed: August 2011
Location: regional NSW

Barudan BEXY-Z1508C  8 head, 15 colour embroidery machine.

12cm, 15cm and 18cm Hoops

30 x 29cm Hoops and Cap attachment

Installed August 2011.

Regularly serviced.

Located in regional NSW.

Excellent condition

$40K + GST

Contact David  02 6964 1466